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I attended Gareth’s recent workshop at the National Fundraising Convention and can only say that this was the outstanding session of the convention - serious content dealt with in a fun, practical and entertaining manner. Gareth demonstrated that creativity is just beneath the surface and was able to dip below that surface and net the results!
Harry Brown, Consultant and Fellow of the Institute of Fundraising
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Building and Developing Relationships with Funders
Date 24 October 2011
Time/Duration 9.30am-12.30pm
Price £49.00 GBP
Venue Newcastle upon Tyne
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
This course gives a range of ways to develop good relationships with all types of funder and donor
Course Content

This half day course will cover a range of techniques to develop the relationship with funders and donors of all kinds.

It will go beyond just traditional funder and look at relationships with all different kinds of supporter to maximise your organisation’s success in this climate.

It includes….

What different funders need from you
Categorising supporters by the relationship level
Improving the relationship with all funders
Increasing loyalty and repeat giving
Issues like latancy, recency
Forms of communication to strengthen the relationship
What you do with lapsed supporters
Building and excelling in customer satisfaction with funders

It includes a handbook in pdf format with a range of tools you can use within your organisation to help future relationships with funders.

The course costs £49 plus VAT (total £58.80) per place.

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