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A very well structured and presented course. What we covered in half a day was amazing. Gareth’s breadth of experience in the fundraising sector and excellent presentation skills made for a most rewarding day. Some of his ideas have been implemented immediately and others we are working on. The sharing of ideas with other charity workers and the use of relevant and up to date information from other charity websites was also very useful.
Caroline Thompson
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Volunteer Management Creative Masterclass
Date 18 September 2018
Time/Duration 9.30am-4pm
Price £99.00 GBP
Venue Newcastle upon Tyne
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
A course designed to help your volunteer management with practical actions for better results
Course Content
In this full-day course, we cover the following key issues....

Creating and improving on volunteer roles

Improving volunteer recruitment and selection

Making the induction process a positive and welcoming one

Enhancing recruitment and communication literature

Developing leadership and supervision skills for volunteers

Improving volunteer motivation and awards

Developing problem solving skills

A course handbook is included in the course in pdf format on disc.

We have reduced the price to £99 inclusive, but delegates are requested to bring their own lunch.  There are plenty of local shops with sandwiches available.

A Second Course Handbook of all the creative ideas from previous courses and this course will be sent out to all delegates after the event, adding significant extra value to the training.
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