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Thanks very much for the excellent course today which I found really useful. I shall put several of the things I learned into practice straight away. It is a pleasure to find an enthusiastic and energetic speaker who takes care not to mystify people with jargon. Once again, thanks for a super venue, excellent presentation and delicious lunch.
Kath Lordan
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Successful Trusts Fundraising
Date 14 March 2017
Time/Duration 9.30am-4pm
Price £99.00 GBP
Venue Belfast
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
This course is designed to help you secure more funding from trusts and foundations.
Course Content
The course consists of the following elements….


Researching target trusts and finding trusts that are not in other guides

How to discover and match funding criteria

Making applications to trusts and networking

Involvement of stakeholders

Outcomes, outputs and objectives

Improving your case for support and other elements of your written funding bids

Making every application come alive to a potential funder

Increasing your skills to get a positive response

Learning a range of creative techniques to use with every bid

Avoiding common mistakes

Making the most of your organisation and its needs

A course handbook on disc is included with the course for you to refer to afterwards.

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