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Thank you for an outstanding set of six Fundraising and Marketing courses. The value for money far outweights anything I have come across before... your courses installed a fresh vision for how I would like to take the department forward in the future. I have already made good progress in working the course materials into the Fundraising Strategy. I would be very pleased to recommend your courses to any of the charities I work with.
Alan McConville, Fundraising and Marketing Manager
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Successful Time Management
Date 22 February 2017
Time/Duration 9.30am-4pm
Price £99.00 GBP
Venue Cardiff
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
This course gives a range of time management techniques designed at making you more effective in your work
Course Content

This full day course will cover a range of techniques to make the most of your time at work and achieve more with the same time.

It includes many practical methods to improve your skills and deal with issues to improve your management of time. It includes...

Different ways of seeing time
Identifying and dealing with your time wasters
Prioritising effectively
Choosing a diary system that works for you
Dealing with urgent and important tasks
Combating procrastination
Dealing with interruptions and distractions
Making meetings effective
Improving email and phone discipline
Mechanical fixes to make life better
Delegating effectively
Scheduling your work
Getting the best from you

It includes a handbook in pdf format with a range of tools you can use within your organisation to improve your time effectiveness.

The course costs £99 plus VAT (total £118.80) per place.

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