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Thank you for an outstanding set of six Fundraising and Marketing courses. The value for money far outweights anything I have come across before... your courses installed a fresh vision for how I would like to take the department forward in the future. I have already made good progress in working the course materials into the Fundraising Strategy. I would be very pleased to recommend your courses to any of the charities I work with.
Alan McConville, Fundraising and Marketing Manager
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Successful Social Media Fundraising and Marketing
Date 28 June 2016
Time/Duration 9.30am-4pm
Price £99.00 GBP
Venue Brighton
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
This course is designed to help you secure more funding and raise awareness from social networks
Course Content
In this full-day course, we cover the following key issues....

Social media as a communications and fundraising tool

Integrating with your website(s) and other materials

Overview of the different social networks and prioritising your time

FACEBOOK - Types of accounts, their uses and strengths

FACEBOOK - Building relationships and attracting support with time and/or advertising

FACEBOOK - What fundraising works best

TWITTER - Getting started, choosing accounts and raising awareness

TWITTER - Using it effectively for events, individual and corporate giving

TWITTER - Add on applications to maximise results and increase impact

INSTAGRAM - Why it is important and how to use it for fundraising and marketing success

LINKED IN - Using it for business networking effectively

OTHER NETWORKS - And their place in the mix

SUMMARY - Conclusions, prioritising and recruiting help

A course handbook is included in the course in pdf format on disc.

We have kept the price low to £99 plus VAT, but delegates are requested to bring their own lunch.  There are plenty of local shops with sandwiches available.

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