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I found that the Community and Events Creative Masterclass, provided by Company Solutions, was presented professionally and the tutor, Gareth, obviously had a wealth of knowledge and experience in the charity fundraising sector. The activities were an excellent means of sharing ideas and getting to know other charity workers in the same line of work. Overall, a very productive day that I would recommend to anyone wishing to refresh their fundraising ideas.
Hazel Jones, Senior Fundraising Officer
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Successful Corporate Fundraising
Date 15 September 2015
Time/Duration 9.15am-12.15pm
Price £49.00 GBP
Venue Bristol
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
Corporate Fundraising is increasingly competitive. To succeed, you need to develop a range of skills for your caus. This course will help you understand what you need to do to maximise your income from businesses as well as to develop a targeted approach.
Course Content
In this half day course, delegates will learn how to develop their corporate fundraising programme. Suitable for all sizes of cause, this updated course covers....

How to identify target companies appropriate to your cause

Researching the targets effectively

Methods of approaching your targets including social media

What fundraising products you can use

Making sure you match corporate needs

Using sales promotion tools well

Deceloping long-term beneficial relationships with companies

The course comes complete with full notes from the course and a copy of the exercises in PDF form on disc.
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