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The session was interesting and the different aspects on fundraising, publicity and licensing, and new ideas around these kept the delegates engaged. Although it was a lot of information it was easy to digest as it was put across in an creative and easy to understand way. More time would have allowed the integration of further practical work and exploration in key areas of interest. Getting 1 years membership pf the Practical Fundraisng assopciation was an added bonus!
Asmita Kathrani, Development Co-ordinator
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Securing Corporate Sponsorship
Date 29 April 2014
Time/Duration 1pm-4pm
Price £49.00 GBP
Venue Glasgow
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
Suitable for corporate fundraisers and all staff or volunteers wanting sponsorship from companies, this half-day course will help you better understand and approach companies for sponsorship, increasing the chances of success
Course Content
In this course specialising on Corporate Sponsorship, delegates learn about...

The purposes of sponsorship

Sponsorship and CSR (Corporate and Social Responsibility)

Matching corporate objectives

Techniques to secure sponsorship

Retaining sponsors in the long-term

Delegates will experience practical exercises to help build their sponsorship ask successfully as well as gaining an understanding of what sponsors are often looking for. There will be chance to discuss and develop your pitch to sponsors and the benefits your cause can offer. The course comes complete with full notes from the course and a copy of the exercises in PDF form on disc.
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