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A big thank you for the sessions you took on Thursday at Nantwich. I have had very positive feedback from the team, who were delighted with the content and the handbook they had to take away. I am sure that everyone will approach event planning with a lot more confidence and results will show in the income. Happy to recommend you to anyone as practical, informative and good value for money.
Marilyn Gregory
Training Courses

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Sponsorship ambushes

There has been a lot of talk about ambushes of the sponsors at the olympics last time, with headphones being sent to many athletes from a non-official sponsor who then received lots of media talk when athletes tweeted thanks.

Whilst this may be sad for official competing sponsors, it shows initiative on the part of the ambusher and social media savvy that they know a few tweets by top athletes at this time will get amazing coverage without equivalent cost.

Surely in a competitive market, we should admire such initiative, even though I am sure by the next olympics, athletes will be warned about what they say on social media.

It certainly gives us all reason to get our thinking caps on for ways to achieve a great impact without huge costs and this creative thinking time is always good for business.

Company Solutions can facilitate creative away days for your staff team to help you come up with new and innovating marketing schemes at any time.  Just call 01388 517703 anytime.

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