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A thorough, well-planned and interesting workshop. Not only did it help me to understand the ever-increasing importance of using the internet as a fundraising tool but also gave me a whole host of ideas about how to progress with and make the most of our website in the future.
Emma Davenport, Direct Marketing Fundraiser
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Fundraising Bootcamp
Date 03 April 2017
Time/Duration 9.15am-12.15pm
Price £49.00 GBP
Venue Wesley's Chapel London
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
This session will help you deal with your fundraising challenges in a variety of innovative ways
Course Content

Limited to just 16 delegates, this morning will focus entirely on helping you solve burning fundraising questions and challenges you may have.

We will have a range of creative techniques to help you find new solutions to your fundraising problems.

All delegates will have a chance to email problems in advance for us to begin work on before the session.

There will be a special question and answer session for everyone.

Facilitated by Gareth Edwards, a fundraiser with 30 years experience in the sector.

There will be no Powerpoint, no presentation, just practical exercises and solutions to your problems.

You will have lots of opportunities to work on problems as groups as well as the whole group focusing together to support you.

The cost of this session is just £49 plus VAT (total £58.80) per place.

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