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Course Details   Booking    
Twitter and Instagram Fundraising and Marketing
Date 08 November 2016
Time/Duration 9.15am-12.15pm
Price £49.00 GBP
Venue Brighton
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
This course gives the skills to develop Twitter and Instagram as fundraising and marketing mechanisms for your cause
Course Content

In this course we cover how as a fundraiser or marketer you can maximise the potential of Twitter and Instagram for your cause. Learn on this course how to develop an effective strategy to build your fundraising and market your cause from these networks. The facilitator is Gareth Edwards who has used social network fundraising to raise over £50,000 a year for the charity he is Chair of the Trustees of. The course costs £49 plus VAT.

The course comes complete with a CD Rom with all notes in PDF format for the course and key exercises to enhance your work.

The course consists of the following elements -

How Twitter fits into the fundraising mix


What accounts you need


Building up accounts and managing them effectively


How to use them for fundraising and marketing effectiveness


Corporate fundraising with Twitter


Individual giving on Twitter


Event Fundraising on Twitter


Add-on applications to maximise your results and increase impact


Awareness raising on Twitter – hashtags, campaigns, etc


Media work to boost fundraising and awareness


Vine, Infrographics and other useful tools


How to use Instagram to develop your fundraising and marketing success



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