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Thanks for the course. It was thoroughly enjoyable... great to have an "outsider" in to give a really fresh perspective. I learned a lot, with some really interesting techniques which I think few would otherwise have thought of. Thanks a lot....I am putting it into practice as we speak.
Andrew Brown, Yorkshire Area Senior Fundraiser
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Successful Community and Events Fundraising
Date 09 November 2016
Time/Duration 9.30am-4pm
Price £99.00 GBP
Venue Wesley's Chapel London
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
This course is designed to help you secure more funding from community and events fundraising and help you enhance such activities
Course Content
The course consists of the following elements….


An overview of the current situation for community and events fundraising

Using volunteers effectively in community and events fundraising

How to motivate and manage them well and overcome blocks to delegating

Marketing your activities effectively

Using the media and social media to promote your fundraising

Improving your events work and enhancing event participation

Developing fundraising groups in today's world

Integrating different offers and building long-term support

Using creative techniques to develop the next big thing


Included with the course is a disc with all course notes and exercises.

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