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Thanks very much for the excellent course today which I found really useful. I shall put several of the things I learned into practice straight away. It is a pleasure to find an enthusiastic and energetic speaker who takes care not to mystify people with jargon. Once again, thanks for a super venue, excellent presentation and delicious lunch.
Kath Lordan
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Event Management Creative Masterclass
Date 05 September 2016
Time/Duration 9.30am-4pm
Price £99.00 GBP
Venue Lifecare Edinburgh
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
This course is designed to help you manage events better for your organisation
Course Content
In this full-day course, we cover the following key issues....

Types of events you might organise

Setting key objectives for your events

Competitor research

Deciding on your target market

Location choices

Budget planning

Getting the planning right for your events

Balancing stakeholder needs

Getting the look and feel of your event right

Managing the impact of your events

Managing your people and who does what

Strategic marketing and sponsorship

Social media and web tools to boost your events

Controls, problem solving and risk management

Evaluation, future research and building for the future

A course handbook is included in the course in pdf format on disc.

We have kept the price low to £99 plus VAT for non profits, but delegates are requested to bring their own lunch.  There are plenty of local shops with sandwiches available.

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