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Company Solutions mentoring support has been invaluable to me as a lone fundraiser for most of my time as the first Director of Fundraising at Papworth Hospital. The Company Solutions mentoring scheme has provided me with excellent fundraising guidance and professional support on matters of strategy, staff management and personal development, at any time that I have needed it. Gareth is a brilliant practical fundraiser and fundraising teacher and I have learnt a great deal from him in terms of latest and best fundraising practice. I believe Company Solutions mentoring scheme and the training courses I have attended through the scheme are the best value for money on the market for new and experienced fundraisers alike and would heartily recommend them to fellow fundraisers.
Fiona Cooper, Director of Fundraising
Training Courses

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Course Details   Booking    
Legacy and In Memoriam Fundraising
Date 14 May 2015
Time/Duration 9.30am-4.00pm
Price £99.00 GBP
Venue Central Birmingham
Facilitator Gareth Edwards
Legacy fundraising is essential for the long-term growth of all sizes of cause. Legacies can make a transformational effect on most causes.
Course Content

This course covers -


Starting or improving your marketing     

Integrating your legacy marketing into our overall fundraising plans

Recruiting new pledgers effectively       

Encouraging your supporters to include a gift in their will

Producing legacy marketing materials 

Building strong links with solicitors and other intermediaries

Pledger relationships                

Upgrading pledges and cross-marketing opportunities
Developing and Integrating In Memoriam Fundraising 


You will receive a full course handbook in PDF formar and a year's membership of the Practical Fundraising Association as part of the course, giving a range of practical hints and tips each week (

The course is a full day course and participants will experience exercises that will challenge and inspire them to produce effective results for their cause in this area.  It is suitable for all causes, from the smallest to the largest, and for those of different experience in this field, as the exercises will challenge and develop even an established legacy fundraiser in some areas.

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